Many millions of people around the world suffer from painful illnesses. They mostly affect women who have reached menopause, but they can occur at any time. Here are the different phases of it:
The beginning stage is known as the “frozen phase” where the tissue surrounding joints stiffen. They will then slowly melt. When the thawing stops in the frozen tissue, it can feel as if they’re still stiff. It could last for a several weeks or even months. This can lead to pain in joints as well with swelling and tenderness. Most cases will resolve in their own time. If it doesn’t get better visit your doctor.
Then, how can I address frozen shoulder? According to the cause there is a possibility of receiving frozen shoulder therapy. You can however try these basic tips to ease the discomfort:
Choose an orthopaedic or firm cushion to lie on.
* Sleeping on warm sheets or using an electronic blanket.
Do not apply ice pack, heating pads or heat pads to the skin as they could cause severe burns.
The stretching and massage techniques are a great way to help. 7rw8qjo4wt.